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How to Evaluate Ed-tech

Technology is transforming classrooms today. Teachers seek advice on picking the most suitable and promising edtech tools as the traditional classroom transforms into a space where technology will be used to teach students. It can be quite difficult to ascertain which edtech tool will work best for the kids and which one will not because…

Beginner’s guide to detox

Our natural detoxification processes would operate without interference and reliably complete their tasks 100% of the time in an ideal world. However, we do not live in an ideal world. The estimate is that each day before an average person even heads out of his or her home, he or she is exposed to approximately…

Budding Instagram celebs

In India, influencer marketing has increased over the past several years and is still growing. Even more, than you may anticipate from a celebrity, these influencers have a bigger impact on their audience. They are certainly simpler for people to connect to than Bollywood celebs, who live in the glitz and glamour. Influencers deserve the…

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