In our fast-paced life, how often do we feel bogged down by stress? Whether it’s stress from the hassles of daily life or significant life events such as a natural disaster, all of us experience stress at some point or another. Pressure can act as a catalyst for many other unfavourable situations in our lives. This leads us to develop a solution to tackle the causes of stress or learn to deal with stress effectively. Stress management techniques are widely taught and practised to overcome the effects of stress.

What Mindfulness Does to Your Brain: The Science of Neuroplasticity | Real  Simple

Mindfulness is one such technique that has proven to be highly effective in tackling stress. Mindfulness is an ability that allows us to be completely present at the moment, mindful of where we are and what we’re doing in the present. Whenever we feel stressed or anxious, we lose touch with our surroundings and train of thoughts, worrying about the future. Practising mindfulness makes us conscious of our thoughts and the present, making us feel in control of our actions. 

Mindfulness is an ability that every human is born with. We need to learn how to use it and hone our skills. Although its origins are rooted in Buddhist traditions, some form of mindfulness is practised in every culture and religion. And in recent times, people’s awareness about the benefits of mindfulness has increased multifold, even getting accepted into mainstream culture. 

We not only minimize the effects of stress when we practice mindfulness, but we also increase our performance by being more perceptive of our bodies, surroundings, and others. There are numerous benefits of mindfulness, and due to increasing popularity, various researches have started taking place on the practice of mindfulness. According to most studies conducted in the past, mindfulness seems to increase an individual’s overall happiness while reducing stress at the same time. Some benefits of mindfulness are-

  1. Improves overall well-being- Many people who practice mindfulness report that they do not get caught up in the thoughts about past regrets or future outcomes. They feel more self-confident, making it easier for them to interact with others and form personal bonds. Being mindful lets people savor the rewards of life, become wholly involved in activities, and cope more effectively with adverse events.
  2. Improves physical health- Mindfulness allows people to become conscious of their body and attain greater control over their actions. Mindfulness can help individuals regulate their blood pressure and heart rate by focusing on specific bodily functions and calming down. It also improves an individual’s sleep quality, reduces the risk of heart diseases, and even helps in treating chronic pains.
  3. Improves mental health- the effectiveness of mindfulness in treating psychological disorders has been recorded in several research studies. Mindfulness has been shown to help in treating depression, anxiety disorders, and behavioural disorders. Mindfulness allows people to gain control over their thought process, and it can help alleviate the negative thinking pattern of an individual. They can focus on the more positive aspects of their lives and overcome their problems.

Mindfulness is a skill that should be cultivated in people from a young age. The positive effects of mindfulness can benefit people to achieve their ambitions and realize their full potential. By simply taking 15 minutes of our day to practice mindful meditation daily, we can see the positive effects in our lives. 

This Blog is published by Datastorm India Private Limited.

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