Would you agree that pets help us realize that we are human and not a machine? We know how to love, care and respect and we don’t live our lives like a program? Pets enhance our sense of responsibility and teach us to grow as actual human being filled with compassion and consideration. Because of them, we become our better versions, and our humanity exists. In James Cromwell’s words, “Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.”

Furthermore, having a pet at home is that total responsibility that comes with healthy perks. They can increase the opportunities to exercise, get outside and socialize. Regular playing with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels. Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship. Most households these days have at least one pet. However, before adopting a new pet we need to make sure that it is the right one for our family and us. If you search online you will find many websites which will have the contents to suffice all your queries like what kind of pets you should adopt, how should you take care of your pets, what should you watch out for a while feeding your pets, and how will you know if your pet is sick and need medical attention. 

Thereby, I would choose not to elaborate on that further. Instead, it will stress the special bond we share with our pets and how they just become the most beautiful part of our life in no time. Does the name “Hachikō” remind you something? Yes, Hachikō was a Japanese Akita dog remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner. Even after his owner’s death, Hachikō continued to wait for his owner for over nine years at Tokyo’s Shibuya station. His owner Hidesaburō Ueno adopted Hachikō as his pet and brought him to Shibuya. Every day Hachikō used to meet Ueno at Shibuya station after his commute home. Ueno died at work due to cerebral hemorrhage but Hachikō didn’t stop awaiting Ueno’s return from work at Shibuya station until he collapsed at 11. During his lifetime, the dog was held up in Japanese culture as an example of loyalty and fidelity. Even after his death, he continues to be remembered in worldwide popular culture, with statues, movies, books and appearances in various media. 

The connection we have with our pets cannot be entirely expressed with words. They feel our pain, they trust us with their lives and even if we fail to fulfill their mere expectation like spending a little time with them while we were busy with our lives, they still forgive us and wait for us patiently. Whether we value their presence or not we are their centre of attention. We need to understand one thing very clearly our pets need us as much as we need them. They are not our toys; we leave them alone when we are done playing with them or bored or tired. They are those honest souls who are ready to do anything for us to be happy. They need our little love and care in return. It is easier to gain the trust of a dog or a cat than gaining trust of a bird. This is because birds see us as their predators and have to move towards them patiently, step by step. Our focus is to gain their trust first by making them feel comfortable around us, a little hasty step can break their faith if built at all and we will be back to square one. It takes days to gain their confidence.

You will know they are comfortable with your presence when they chirp or clean themselves while you are around or come close to you when you are refilling their food and water bowls. You can win their hearts by offering special treats for them to enjoy apart from their regular food. Fishes and turtles on the other hand will trust when you give them food from time to time without a miss. They will come up to the surface of the water and express their happiness by swimming up and down when you are around. Dogs are the best friends forever, while cats are among friends who will make you happy with their cute little efforts when you are back home from work. 

Pets are very loving and playful yet very sensitive. They are just like us. They can be angry, jealous or upset at times. We should treat them with love and care like how we would like to be treated. If we doubt our ability to raise a pet even a bit, we should not opt for adopting one; after all, they have a soul too, and they feel the pain as much as we do.

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