Beginner’s guide to detox

Our natural detoxification processes would operate without interference and reliably complete their tasks 100% of the time in an ideal world. However, we do not live in an ideal world. The estimate is that each day before an average person even heads out of his or her home, he or she is exposed to approximatelyContinue reading “Beginner’s guide to detox”

   What is Meditation?

Come on, let’s meditate and think it over. No, no I’m not at all joking. I’m fostering the concept and technique of Meditation. Meditation is your conversation with your inner self. Meditation is the journey from sound to silence. It can also be defined as a conference between your conscious and unconscious mind. It mayContinue reading ”   What is Meditation?”


In our fast-paced life, how often do we feel bogged down by stress? Whether it’s stress from the hassles of daily life or significant life events such as a natural disaster, all of us experience stress at some point or another. Pressure can act as a catalyst for many other unfavourable situations in our lives.Continue reading “MINDFULNESS”

Health and Fitness Goals 2021

I could sense a sigh of relief in almost everyone that 2020 is eventually over. Be it an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or someone looking forward to a walk in the neighbourhood park, almost everyone had to stay away from their routine physical activity for most of 2020, which meant many goals set for themselves wereContinue reading “Health and Fitness Goals 2021”

Nutrition and Supplements

Nutrition is an essential aspect of a person’s life and plays an integral role in keeping the individual physically and mentally healthy. Nutrition is studying food nutrients, how the body processes them, and the connection between diet, health, and disease. It examines how people can use food choices to lower their risk of infection andContinue reading “Nutrition and Supplements”

Boosting Self Confidence

While confidence is that ornament that makes any individual look smart contended, and knowledgeable, self-confidence is that jewel that is required for physical strength and emotional well-being significantly. If we believe in self-potential, we are more likely to try new things, devote our time and energy to tasks or events that matter. We can makeContinue reading “Boosting Self Confidence”

Health and Fitness Goals 2021

The year 2020 was undoubtedly hard for everyone’s health, be it physical health or mental health. But dwelling on the past proves to be no good; one must keep looking forward. Whether you’re trying to get back in shape or starting your fitness journey, you must consider your current health state and make goals accordingly.Continue reading “Health and Fitness Goals 2021”

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